New Optimization
Starting the optimization is all about filling out a form with the following parameters:
- Optimization name – any friendly name
- Select environment – selecting the account/subscription/project which we want to optimize
- From – analysis start date
- To – analysis end date
- Granulation – the ability to choose whether we analyze the environment in a daily, weekly or monthly perspective
- Tolerated capacity reduction – a percentage value that allows you to search for resources that can be smaller or larger by a percentage value
There are also two buttons
- Your data is sensitive and cannot be processed outside EU – limits the selection of locations to those located in the European Union only
- On premise optimization – the ability to load a file with infrastructure and perform an analysis before we create resources in the cloud
On premise optimization – details
If you want to carry out on premise optimization, Cloudmizer makes it possible. All you need to do is provide a comma-separated values (CSV) file with usage data to optimize. Otherwise usage from your environment will be optimized. It is very important that the data is
entered in the appropriate format, especially pay attention to the date format. Here you will find what a valid csv file should contain.
Specify server identification number (id) – required
The ID value will allow Cloudmizer to identify each row of your services data. The ID number for each service should be unique. It may contain a string and a number.
Add server information
To function properly, Cloudmizer needs detailed data about the used servers. The data should include the number of cores, the number of memory, the type of data storage and its size.
The table below provides details and examples of server information needed:
Field name | Required | Details | Example |
cores | Yes | Number of processor cores allocated to the server. |
2, 4, 8, 12 … |
memory | Yes | Total RAM allocated to the server. | 4, 8, 16, 32 … |
storageType | No | Information on whether clusters store data on solid-state drives (SSD) or hard disk drives (HDD) |
SSD or HDD |
storageSize | No | The size of storage mentioned above. | 32, 60, 80, 160 |
Add the names of the operating systems
Cloudmizer recognizes specific operating system names. Each name specified must exactly match one of the strings of supported names:
- Windows
- Linux
Add database engine name
It is not mandatory but you may provide information about the database engine your servers used.
Example database names are: mysql, mariadb, mongodb, postgresql…
Add usage time
To be more specific you can provide usage time from start to end. For Cloudmizer, it is important that the required date format is YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss
For example:
fromDateTime 2022-01-01T00:00:00 toDateTime 2022-01-31T23:59:59
Example file: